DAO Global Hackathon 2023

2473 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
2473 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Apr 10, 2023, 12:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 07, 2023, 10:00 PM UTC (UTC)


  1. Who can participate in this Hackathon?
    Anyone from anywhere in the world can participate. The goal is to open up DAO technology to all communities globally.

  2. What if I've never been to a hackathon before?
    No worries! It’s helpful to have some software engineering experience, but it’s not a requirement. Projects often need designers, front-end engineers, project managers, and more. Find a team that needs your skillset and join the fun!

  3. Do I need to pay to register for this Hackathon?
    No, it is free to participate.

  4. Do we need to have a fully working prototype to submit a bounty?
    Not necessarily! Ideally, you showcase as much as you can about your ideal solution, but the most important thing is to meet the bounty requirements outlined in the bounty.

  5. Do I need to be online and available for the entire duration of the Hackathon?
    No, you don't need to be online for any specific hours during the Hackathon. However, we will be hosting workshops and events you'll likely want to attend. The idea is that you develop your solution locally with a team (or by yourself) and then simply submit it through the HackerEarth hackathon platform on the specific bounty page.

  6. Do I need to give a demo for the product that I have built?
    Requiring a video demo is common. Please review carefully the submission requirements for the specific bounty you are working on

  7. Who will own the Intellectual Property (IP) Rights to the product that I have built?
    Developer(s) will retain all rights and own the IP of the product. However, all code needs to be open source upon submission and remain open source in the future.

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